Tuesday 14 July 2009

what are you worth?

Imagine you have just arrived for a meeting, you were slightly late, this stressed you and now you are in the hotel. Your client/friend is later than you. Coffee has been ordered, you are sitting and waiting and in comes Alex, the person you were waiting for. He/she holds out the car key and says, "Can you please help me out here and do me a favour, I had to double park the car because I'm desperate for a pee, can you take it into the underground car park and park it for me?"
You can't believe it, it is a brand-new Porsche, 5 days out of the showroom and now you are going drive it round the block and park it!

Question:- Do you drive it any differently into the garage compared to the way you drove your car to the appointment?

Answer:- Most probably, very differently.

Question:- Why?

Answer:- Expensive and new car, not yours - extra care needed (I am right, is this correct?)

Observation:- You have totally missed the point!
It is only a car.
It is insured.
Another can be ordered and replaced (Alex may be a bit fed up!)

But you, the driver - you are unique and irreplacable.

We value things that cost money and take for granted the things we are born with.

Start to value yourself and your uniqueness - start to plan a little "me" time.

If you don't keep a diary, start now and make sure that you block out some time when you can have some time for you, to do what you want, just for you. Make sure you aren't disturbed. Make arrangements for the dog to be walked, the children to be collectd/fed/minded or what ever, just plan it, an evening, an afternoon, a morning. Something spoiling for you -you deserve it.

We all have the same time in each day but some people use it wisely, others let it slip by and it can never be replaced.

Remember, some people make things happen, some watch what happens but most people say
" What happened! "